Lip Blushing

If you're looking to enhance the color and shape of your lips, you've come to the right place.

Lip blushing is a popular cosmetic tattooing technique that can help you achieve the perfect pout without having to apply lipstick or lip liner every day and now is offered at Purdie Space.

  • Lip blush, or lip tattoo, is a semi-permanent procedure that uses a permanent makeup machine to tint the lips. Customizable in shape and color, it offers a sheer lip tint that's perfect for a "ready to go" pout. As we age, we tend to lose pigment in the lips and lip line, but lip blush can deliver natural-looking results that create the illusion of volume.

  • During a lip blush procedure, a semi-permanent pigment is implanted into the top layers of the skin using a permanent makeup machine to tint the lips. The procedure typically takes about 2 hours and involves customization of shape and color for each client. The lips will heal to give a sheer lip tint, which gives the illusion of volume and a natural look. There may be some swelling and peeling in the first few days after the procedure, but this is normal. Following a short healing period of 1-5 days, during which the lips may scab or peel, a moisturizer is given for aftercare. The final color may take up to 6 weeks to settle, as each skin type absorbs pigments differently.

  • Depending on your skin health and if you come for touch up refreshers, your tattoo will last from 1-3 years.

    Here are some factors will cause your semi-permanent tattoo to fade faster:

    • Oily skin

    • Retinol or Vitamin C

    • Iron deficiency

    • Sun exposure

    • Exfoliants

    • Exposure to salt water

  • The first pass can cause slight discomfort, described as a spicy sensation, typically rated 3 out of 10 for pain. To minimize discomfort, the artist uses a generous amount of numbing and a gentle technique. Secondary numbing is applied for additional comfort throughout the procedure. Some swelling is expected immediately after the procedure, but you can use ice wrapped in a towel and drink through a straw for comfort. Although the lips may go through a flaking and peeling phase around days 3-5, you don't need to stay indoors during the healing process. The full lip blush color will not be visible until week 6.

  • Here are some general precautions to keep in mind before getting a lip blush tattoo:

    • Do not get any other facial treatments such as chemical peels, laser treatments, or microdermabrasion for at least one month before the procedure.

    • It's recommended to avoid lip fillers for at least two weeks prior to getting lip blush tattooing.

    • Do not shave or wax your lips before the procedure. The artist will remove any hair that needs to be removed during the appointment.

    • It is recommended to avoid working out or sweating excessively for at least 24-48 hours after the procedure.

    • Avoid exposure to the sun or tanning beds for at least one week before the procedure.

    • Drink lots of water

    • Limited caffeine day of

    • Moisturize with lip balms frequently 5 days prior

    • If you have ever had a cold sore in your lifetime, it is highly recommended you obtain a round of antivirals from your doctor to prevent an outbreak. You will need to take Valtrex or something similar 3 days prior, the day of and 5 days after to prevent an outbreak. Get enough medication so you can use on your touch up and not have to pay a second co-pay.

    • If you are nervous about pain, you may take 1-2 Tylenol 30 minutes before your appointment. DO NOT take Advil or drink a coffee before your appointment. Coffee and Advil will cause you to bleed lots and also make you more sensitive during the procedure.

    • Note: You will also be more sensitive to pain during your period.

    • Exfoliate with a sugar scrub morning/night 5 days prior

  • After the procedure, it is important to follow these instructions:

    • Change your pillowcase nightly.

    • On the day of the procedure, swelling may occur. You can apply an ice bag covered with a paper towel for the first day and the next morning.

    • For the first 10 days, keep your lips moist with the lip balm provided or with clean q-tips and Aquaphor or Vaseline.

    • On days 2-3, wash your lips with a mild soap, rinse and pat dry, then continue to apply lip balm or Aquaphor.

    • From day 3-10, continue to apply Aquaphor as peeling may occur. Do not pick at scabs or peel off.

    • Use a straw to drink beverages and avoid lipsticks, plumping gloss, teeth bleaching, and spicy foods until after day 7.

    • Avoid steamy showers, hot tubs, swimming, or direct sunlight for 7 days.

    • Avoid working out as saline can remove the pigment from the skin.

  • For the safety and well-being of our clients, we advise against the procedure for those who fall under the following categories:

    • Recently had filler injections (within two weeks prior to the procedure)

    • Have a tendency to develop keloids on the skin

    • Are taking blood-thinning medications

    • Are undergoing chemotherapy

    • Are pregnant or breastfeeding

    • Have eczema or psoriasis on the area

    • Have an open wound on the area

  • Yes, you can, but we will need to color correct your lips in the first session to cancel out the cool tones. This means that the initial color we tattoo MUST be orange or yellow. If we use any other color, you risk darkening your lips further or having no results at all. After the healing process, which takes around 6 weeks, most, if not all, of the darkness in your lips will be covered, and your lips will have a nude-pink even tone. However, please note that results cannot be guaranteed, and lightening or evening out dark lips may require a few sessions. Jessi will not tattoo a "NUDE" color on dark or cool-toned lips under any circumstances. If you're unsure if you have dark or cool-toned lips, you can send Jessi a picture of your lips in natural light for confirmation. We do not accept extremely dark grey or black lips. Please email pictures if your lips fall under this category.

  • Initial Lip Blush Appointment: $500

    Follow up Appointment: $150

Meet Jessica Bishop!

Jessi Bishop, a Certified Permanent Makeup Artist and former Broadway dancer, has a life-long passion for artistry. She combines her precision and artistry skills to enhance individual beauty through color, shape, and technique. Through her lip blushing services she seeks to help women feel good about their bodies, and accomplish personal goals unique to each individual's preferences.